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How To Have Faith To Move Mountains

How To Have Faith That Moves Mountains! 

(Daily Inspirational Memory Verse) 
"But he must ask in faith, without doubting, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind." 

James 1:6

Are you facing an impossible situation today? What mountain is standing in the way of your breakthrough: is it lack of finances, sickness, broken relationships, family issues, or some other situation that's got you stagnated and doubting God's ability to bring you out? 

The scriptures reveal in James 1:6-8  that "6. . . he must ask in faith, without doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.…"

Here's The Deal:

It's by faith that you were saved; in Romans 10:9 we discover that if you confess with your mouth, " Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 

So how could it be that you believe God concerning your salvation through Christ Jesus but with the same mind, not believe the other promises made to you by the same God?  

You can believe that the air you breathe, the blood running through your veins, the life you live, and the world you live in was created by the mighty hand of God, but refuse to believe that He will answer your prayer according to His word when you're facing difficult situations in life?

I mean, He only loved you before the foundation of the world,  knit you together in your mother's womb, and sent His only son to die on the cross for your sins to keep you from the punishment of your transgressions.  

The reality is that you are loved. You are so loved and cared for. . .Yes, you may be facing a mountain right now,  but did you know that according to Matthew 17:20 that "faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain?" 

God doesn't expect you to have huge faith, but only to have some faith, regardless of how big or small it is. Faith the size of a mustard seed is enough to kick out the doubt and trust God for His word so that the mountains in your life can be moved. 

Isn't that good news? Yes, it is, and wouldn't you agree that it's a bit silly to believe God for salvation through His son Jesus Christ, yet doubt that He's able to work out the crisis in your life?  Belief sounds so simple, but we make it so hard, so let's get to the root of the problem: 

why do so many people struggle to have the itty-bitty [mustard seed faith] in God's ability to move big mountains in their lives?

3 Reasons For Lack Of Faith
  • UN-Gratefulness 
  • Pride
  • Lack of Delight in The Lord

Ouch, that's pretty harsh, right? Yep, but it's true! Yet, I too, at some point or another, have fallen into these [3 categories] and found myself without faith in God's ability to move on my behalf.  Each time I suffered from a lack of faith, I could track it back to one or all of the 3 issues listed above.

How being Un-grateful affects your faith

So we've all had moments in our lives where God has shown us that He is more than capable of helping us with our issues in life. Imagine if we thank Him daily for all the great things He's already done such as waking us up today, saving us from the punishment of a sinful and nasty life, and whatever personal situation you want to add, right here, right now. 

Truthfully, being grateful for all that God has done for us could encourage us to have faith in believing that "He has brought us this far by faith," and He will continue to carry us into our destiny for the rest of our days by Faith. 

If you want to increase your faith, try showing God gratitude for what He's already done for you. Start sharing your testimony with others to encourage them as to what God is able to do for them, because "we are overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony." 

I "double-dog dare you" to start testifying about how good God has been to you. I dare you to take the focus off of yourself, and start encouraging someone else. I dare you to start thanking God for what He has already done! I challenge you to start telling Him how much you appreciate how far He has brought you. 

Your faith will begin to rise because you'll discover that the same God that delivered you from the bear, the same God that delivered you from the loin, and the same God that delivered you from the wolf,  will deliver you from the Goliath that you're facing today! Hallelujah! Praise the name of the Lord!

A Proud Look Comes Before A Mighty Fall

Listen, pride will snatch away your faith in God so fast it will make your head spin! Anytime you're walking in unbelief that God is able to take care of you and your situation, you're walking in pride. 

Here's the deal, you're literally saying that your creator, the creator of this universe,  the all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-seeing God cannot handle your problem. You're saying that your problem is bigger than God Almighty and that you have a better solution which is to worry rather than to believe.

If you're walking in unbelief, somewhere along the line you've taken your life out of God's hands and put it in your own hands. You've decided that you can be a branch without the tree, and you're going to figure this problem out on your own without the assistance of your God. 

Now I'm not promising you that everything will turn out the way you want because you trusted and consulted God about your situation, but I'm telling you that it will work out the way it supposes to for His "own" perfect will to be done. 

The word tells us that "the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord," therefore, nothing can happen to you that God Himself didn't allow. If you're facing a mountain in your life, then it's time to turn to God about the purpose of the process used to move it. 

I dare you to humble yourself, and say God, "you said that when I'm weak you're strong," "you said that you wouldn't refuse a broken and contrite spirit," "You said that you'd provide all of my needs according to your riches and glory through Christ Jesus," Oh God I put my life in your hands; I say to this mountain be thou moved in the name of Jesus. I ask for your strategy and your way to moving it, so I can continue on the journey you put me on oh Lord!

When You Do Not Delight In The Lord; You May Experience Lack Of Faith

So what does it mean to delight in the Lord? It means to spend time in prayer, to seek the face of the Lord, to study His word. When you're not spending time or delighting in God, it's easy to feel as though He isn't there to help you, when in all reality, you're not there to get the help you need. 

Spending time with God is super important to maintaining your faith because it stabilizes and grounds you in the idea that God is all-powerful and has your back. Psalm 1:2-3 reveals that [when you delight in the Lord] through meditating in His word day and night, [you] will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, which yields [your] fruit in [your] season And [your] leaf will not wither; And whatever [you] do will prosper. 

So how do you stabilize your faith? You stabilize your faith through spending time with God: in His word and in prayer ext. When your faith is stable, you will not wither with every wind: problem, circumstance, or disappointment that comes your way. You will become "strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." 

It's like lifting spiritual weights to build muscle and endurance. When you spend time with God, you will be strong enough to withstand the storms of life, because you know that your God is on your side. 

I dare you to start praying, start studying and start seeking the face of God about your life and about your situation. I dare you to stick with it no matter how it looks or seems. I dare you to start replacing your words of doubt with God's words. I dare you to believe!

So we know that "the trying of [our] faith works patience, but let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing" (James 1:3-4). Don't take it personally when trials come your way; just know that your situation is an opportunity for God to show Himself strong in your life. It's a chance for you to grow in faith, and become better than you were before. Rejoice that you were counted worthy to display the glory of God through Him working out your troubles for others to see and be encouraged in God. 

Yes, your trial is somebody's proof that God exists and is actively working in our lives. How you walk through your storm could bring more souls to the one who saves us all! Be a billboard for Christ and show the world how good He is!

Do not doubt God; do not be unstable in your mind to believe for some things but not other things. . . that's crazy! Rather delight in the Lord; be grateful, and humble yourself in asking for His help, so that you may experience His deliverance from the Mountain standing in your way.

Thanks for Reading! Listen to Today's episode below! 

Feel free to donate to Daily Inspirational Bible Verses below, and I'll catch in the next Daily Inspirational Bible Verse. 

To Your Success . . . 


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